deep freeze {froze in Germany

deep freeze {froze [diːpfriːzfrouz] tief kühle

Sentence patterns related to "deep freeze {froze"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deep freeze {froze" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deep freeze {froze", or refer to the context using the word "deep freeze {froze" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. This fridge has a deep-freeze compartment.

Dieser Kühlschrank hat ein Tiefkühlfach.

2. Deep Freeze only protects workstations in a "fresh-booted" state.

3. Relations went into deep freeze after India's nuclear weapon test in 1998.

4. A Deep Green Freeze Power shortages show the folly of eliminating natural gas—and coal

5. Marilynn froze, paralyzed with fear.

6. Well, my wings froze solid.

7. The court froze their assets .

8. She froze with horror .

9. It froze hard last night.

10. And on the actual test day, try taking deep breaths to counteract your body’s flight/fight/freeze response.

11. His hand froze in mid-gesture.

12. The orange crop froze this winter.

13. His smile froze for a moment.

14. Freeze!

15. I was so nervous I froze up.

16. They froze off his offers to help.

17. He froze the picture on the screen.

18. The smile froze on her face.

19. Lily froze underneath him, her eyes tight shut.

20. Freeze Frame.

21. So Ramesh froze action on Bt brinjal.

22. The severe cold froze the pond.

23. I'm pretty sure hell just froze over.

24. Clothes stored in my bedroom froze crunchy.

25. I said freeze!